Metal Downstems For An Easy And Amazing Smoking Experience

If you have been using a regular downstem for quite some time now, it is time for you to upgrade to their metal counterparts. Not only they are adjustable, but they can fit most female joints including 14mm and 18mm joints. You would be able to transform your stem from one of the weak points of your piece to the strongest accessory on your glass bong. But, what’s the real secret to the adjustable metal downstem ? In most packages, you can find at least 8 individual pieces. Every piece of a metal stem has threading, that allows you to screw each piece into one another. Not only that, each piece varies in size, which means you can control the length and fit the stem into your personal water pipe. Now, how cool is that? If you are someone who has a preference for diffusers, then you are definitely in luck. Metal downstems are not only adjustable, but they come with interchangeable diffusers, usually two: one is a standard diffuser and the other one is a tree diffuse...