3 Tips To Follow Before Buying A Downstem

Nothing matches the joy of smoking a pipe. As you take in the pipe and make the most of it, there ’ s a thing we do not pay much attention to. It ’ s Downstem! As you put it inside the pipe, you need to check that it is in the right size. This is because if you do not have the right Downstem size, you will not be able to have a great experience. Thus, before you get an 18 mm Downstem and bowl , you should know about the ways to buy them. buyan 18 mm Downstem and bowl Here is a list of some of the tips you should follow before you get a Downstem for yourself. 1. Measure the joint size The first thing you should do is measure the size of the joint. This is important as it will help you to know about the size of the Downstem. Generally, the joints come in three sizes namely- 10 mm, 14.5 mm, and 18.8 mm. You should choose the size that matches your requirements. Besides, you should look at the gender of the joint that determines its function. 2. Check the standard Down...