Hemp Wick: A Better Alternative To A Conventional Lighter

As sustainability is becoming a major concern around the globe at present, it is necessary to tell people about the innumerable benefits associated with the flourishing hemp plant. Interestingly, this extremely useful plant has influenced the way humans live for thousands of years. The hemp fibers can be transformed into a variety of commercial items, right from textiles materials to foods rich in protein. Hemp wick , which is basically produced by processing hemp fibers into twine, after which the twine is coated in beeswax. This particular wick is a highly versatile twine that can be used for a lot of activities. One of its most popular uses is to ignite cannabis instead of using a lighter. Let’s discuss the main pros of using hemp wick instead of a lighter. The blue flame which is produced by the lighter can be toxic. This is not the case when you use heavy hitter hemp wick products. Since no fumes are produced from the wick as opposed to the lighters and matches, you get a s...