
Showing posts from August, 2022

Get the Perfect Hit Every Time: The Importance of a Good Downstem

 A downstem, or downtube, is one of the most important parts of your bong setup, yet one of the most often overlooked. This tube connects your bowl to your water and helps cool your smoke as it travels through your bong, with the added benefit of filtering out ash and plant matter from your smoke before it hits your lungs. It’s critical that you have a high-quality downstem in order to get the perfect hit every time and keep your bong clean! What Are Downstems? Downstems are an important part of any bong, and they come in a variety of sizes, shapes, and materials. Glass is the most popular material for downstems because it doesn't affect the taste of your smoke like other materials can. Downstems serve two main purposes: they diffuse smoke and they act as a conduit for air to travel up to the bowl. Diffusion breaks up the smoke into smaller bubbles, which makes for a smoother hit. without a downstem, your bong would just be a straight tube - not very effective for smoking! Downstem...