Before You Buy Downstem Diffuser, Know This

Downnstems are a smoking accessory that you can attach to a water pipe with the help of a joint. If yours is broken, you need one fast.

Detachable downstems can provide you an extra layer of filtration and percolation. If you have a pipe with an attached or removable downstem, you can customize it with a different downstem according to the design or its diffusion level. Sownstems filter smokes through a nail or flower bowl and diffuses the smoke into the water in the main chamber of your pipe. The next layer or the added layer of diffusion gives a cooler, smoother and better-filtered smoke time.
  • Benefits of downstems

A downstem can work great for even a simple straight tube or beaker base. With every added layer of diffusion, you will get a completely different chug and taste out of your next smoke. You just need a lot of experiments with them. Titanium Downstem adds a diffusion level that can smooth things out but the cannot replace an ash catcher. You will get different smoking experiences with different styles and different lengths in downstem styles.

They do not only add layers of filtration and percolation to your rips but also work as adapters or dropdowns. A downstem is perfect for smokers who want that added filtration a new fit for a different slide that is rolled into one accessory.

You can find a wide variety of titanium downstems online at very affordable prices. Just make sure it has more holes in the end so that you get a smoother smoke.


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