Tips To Choose The Right Bowl Piece To Get High

You may be totally aware on how to choose the dag rig, how to pick the best ash catchers, or how to pick up a top-notch water pipe, however, without having sufficient knowledge on the right bowl piece, you won’t be able to attain ‘Nirvana’ with your smoking. In this blog, we’ll talk about some of the most effective tips by which you can pick up the right bowl according to your smoking standards. Let’s get into it.
There are quite a few varieties of bowls, also referred to as slides by some heavy hitters. They can be used for both water pipes and dab rigs. You can have the best slide for yourself, but to use it effectively, you need to make sure that set up is done right. You need to know what the joint size is.
The standard joint sizes are 10mm, 14mm, and 18mm, out of which 18mm glass bowl is the most popular, and each of them is either male or female. If you are seeking some help to know the joint size of your piece, you can check out various online articles for that. With regard to gender, the short version is female and can complement the large-sized male version. You may be looking for a bigger-sized bowl piece to share with friends or a personal daily driver that guarantees the perfect trip. You can easily find them in the market and many more varieties that you haven’t seen before. The choices are unlimited.


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