Using The Right Bong Bowl Can Enhance Your Experience

For the smokers who are specialized in dry herbs, a bong is not going to sufficient to given them the right amount of high. Even if there are multiple bong, there will always be craving for more and you’d certainly need another, and more. Irrespective of the number of bongs you have purchased or collected, the one thing that can cannot compromise on is bong bowl.

A bong bowl (also known as bong slide) comes under the accessory category. It is required to be attached to a bong to get a much better experience. Together with the stem, water chamber, and mouthpiece, a bong bowl collectively are the most essential elements of a bong where the weed is specifically packed for smoking. Interestingly, a bowl is considered to be male, and the water pipe to be a female. The extent to which a bowl fits with a water pipe would basically tell you how good the experience is going to be. Based on this notion, bong bowls can be found in various sizes and shapes. The size essentially control the cannabis amount after being burnt with each hit or rip from the water pipe. The available sizes are  9mm (the tiniest of the lot), followed by 10mm, 14mm, 18mm, and 19mm bowls. 14mm glass bowls are the most popular ones.

So, while selecting a bong bowl, there are various factors that you should take into account. The first is the type of herb you are going to use, second is how many people are going to share it and last, but not least, the thickness and material of the bowl. 


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