4 Benefits Of Getting A 18mm to 14mm Downstem

We all love a good bong hit. The smoke, the taste, and the feeling it gives you are all things that we love. But you can make some minor upgrades to get better hits every time. One of those is an 18mm to 14mm downstem. This small stem can improve your bong hit by adding more air, allowing the smoke to cool before it enters your lungs, and even adding flavor to your hit.

Here are five benefits of getting an 18mm to 14mm Downstem

Get more air

Putting more air into your bong hit is why people get a downstem. The extra space allows you to add in more air when you take a hit, which will make the smoke smoother and easier on your lungs. These downstems also help with water filtration, making the smoke much softer than what you would get from just a bowl and bong.

It's Easy to Find a Downstem that Fits Your Bong

If you have a bong, you will want to ensure that it has a downstem. You can find one that fits your bong no matter what size. This will ensure that your bong lasts as long as possible and stays in the best shape possible.

There Are Plenty of Designs Available

When it comes to buying an 18mm to 14mm downstem, you will want to make sure that it matches your style and preferences. There are plenty of downstems available, so you can shop around until you find just the right one.

It's Affordable

If you have been considering purchasing a downstem, but you have been putting it off because of the cost, then now is the time to buy one. Downstems are affordable; they aren't expensive at all! You can easily afford one for your bong.

Closing thoughts

Overall, there are many benefits to getting an 18mm to 14mm downstem. It allows for more water filtration and increased smoke cooling, but it also enhances the aesthetic of your pipe. If you're looking for a simple upgrade that improves the taste and function of your pipe, this downstem is well worth a look.


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