The Heavy Hitter - The Best Hemp Wick for an Alternative to Lighters

The Heavy Hitter Hemp Wick is made in the USA from 100% hemp and can be used as an alternative to lighters. If you have ever been in search of an all-natural, non-toxic lighter, you are going to love this product. It provides a safe way to light candles and incense, plus it burns slowly, so you don’t have to worry about burning down your house or apartment if you are trying to get high with friends! This has replaced my use of lighters since discovering it last year, and I don’t see myself going back anytime soon!

What is hemp wick?

If you’re unfamiliar with hemp wick, it is a natural cotton string that burns at about 600° F. While there are synthetic versions of hemp wick on the market, we recommend sticking with organic hemp wick since it will burn better and leave behind less residue. To use hemp wick, you’ll need a torch lighter or other similar product to get it started; after that, though, you can just wave it around and watch your joint catch fire! What makes our hempwicks so great is their price point: most places charge anywhere from $2.50-$4 for one piece of hempwick. But here at Weed Star Inc., we give each customer 30 pieces of Heavy Hitter Hemp Wick when they buy a lighter!

What makes our product different?

Unlike most other hemp wicks on the market, ours is double dipped in beeswax. Beeswax helps keep it lit and makes our product burn slower. This means that you are able to last longer between lighting your bowl (which also reduces waste). Our Heavy Hitters hemp wick burns up to two hours per inch! That's up to four inches of burning goodness! With our 5-pack, you can get 10+ hours of smoking pleasure with just one bundle! Other brands only offer one inch of hemp wick at a time. Our 1/4 ounce package weighs about 3 oz, compared to 1 oz from other brands. A 1/4 ounce alone will burn for more than a week!

What's so good about hemp wick?

While hemp wick might seem like a fad, it is actually a very old product that has only recently experienced something of a renaissance. In fact, in many ways, its vintage nature is one of its biggest advantages. What's more, it can be used over and over again without ever having to be thrown away—so you're doing your bit for sustainability as well as enjoying lower overall costs. Moreover, there are various ways in which hemp wick can help with your weed consumption by making life easier

Who should use it?

If you’re looking for a natural, organic and environmentally friendly lighter alternative, look no further than these Heavy Hitters. They are extremely durable, so if you're someone who likes lighting candles or smoking joints on a regular basis (which I hope you are!), it's not going to take long before your one wick starts looking pretty ragged. For me, one wick lasted at least 4 months of regular use. If you don't smoke or light candles often enough and find yourself having to replace them too often, just double up with two wicks and place them next to each other in your favorite glass piece! This way they will burn simultaneously and last much longer.

How do I use it?

The coolest thing about using a hemp wick is that you don’t have to use your fingers. Simply light up at one end, then touch a flame to it, then let it sit while you light up and enjoy. You can also do what I do, which is put it in your mouth like a cigar! If that isn’t enough coolness, the HEAVY HITTER uses an oxygen-starved flame that burns hot and slow and has less emissions than butane lighters. It also eliminates any chance of making mistakes or getting burnt. Also note that if you smoke outside in cold weather like I do, no worries; these wicks stay lit outside too! They are high quality wicks!

How much does it cost?

Depending on where you buy it, a good hemp wick can run you anywhere from $10-$20. That seems steep at first, but most retailers will sell them in packs of 5 or 10, which makes each one much more affordable. A pack of five may cost around $15 while a pack of ten could cost as low as $12.

Where can I buy it?

Most local and online smoke shops, as well as certain specialty shops and even some major retail outlets. How much does it cost?: In most areas, they run between $2.50-$3 per unit. What is it made of?: The Heavy Hitter Organic Hemp Wick is composed of 100% organic hemp with a beeswax outer coating on each end. What’s so special about it?: The best feature of most hemp wicks (this one included) is that they are free from harsh chemicals and petroleum products. Are there any other benefits? You bet! This product creates a solid flame for your smoking needs without having to worry about fire danger or accidentally creating ash in your bong or pipe—no matter how intense you puff!


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