How To Take Care Of Your Dustorm Glass Downstem

Investing in a bong is an incredible way to take your smoking experience to the next level. But a glass bong demands extreme care. If you own Dustorm glass downstem or other American-made glass bongs, you probably want to keep them safe and protected from developing cracks or shattering. But how would you do it? This quick guide will come in handy; read on:

Keep it clean

Most smokers break their glass bongs when they try to clean them in a hurry. That’s why cleaning the downstem thoroughly and appropriately after every smoking session is essential. You can do it by mixing salt and alcohol and soaking your bong in the prepared mixture. Avoid scrubbing your bong if you notice stains or scraping off resins using a sharp object, as it will leave marks on the downstem or even break it. When you clean the bong after smoking, you also prevent resin build-up.

Buy a bong case 

Investing in a case is perhaps the simplest way to keep a glass bong safe. So, if you want to enjoy your Dustorm glass downstem for years, consider purchasing a case to keep it secure. When you have a bong case, it becomes easy to travel with a bong, and you can even toss the case in your suitcase rather than carrying it carefully in your bag after wrapping it in bubble wrap multiple times. 

Find a safe location

When you leave your glass bong wherever you like after smoking sessions, you risk knocking it and eventually breaking it. Instead, find a secure place and keep your bong in its location every time you use it. This way, you will develop muscle memory and become extra cautious every time you take out your downstem or put it back in its place. Also, when you keep your bongs in a secure location, like a cabinet, you keep them away from anyone’s reach. 

Taking care of a glass downstem can seem overwhelming, but you don’t have to worry about breaking or cracking it if you keep the following tips in mind. And if you don’t own a Dustorm glass downstem yet, we suggest buying it right away from a well-known seller for an ultimate smoking experience. 


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