4 Creative Methods To Smoke Weed

Many people opt for cannabis and other aromatic perennial herbs as a way to soothe and relax minds. Just like any other average Joe or Jane, you love to spend a good time smoking weed. If you want to explore some of these different smoking tactics, let's get started from the basics. Here are four creative ways to smoke weed.

One hitter

Despite the recent invention of methods using filters, usual smokers still prefer to use the old technic of smoking weed. In this method, you will need a Lock-N-Load hand pipe to fill the marijuana or cannabis. Although there is no scientific approval for curing any disease with hemp plants, individuals with anxiety disorders use this method to calm their nerves. You can also use other devices that come in forms, such as chillum and dugouts, when you need one hit after a stressful day.


A blunt is an old method to smoke weed or tobacco. Choose a size roll made of hemp leaves and loosely wrap the grass in it. You can use these wraps for marijuana and regular tobacco in the same joint. Since blunts don’t need proper rules to enjoy, you can try any type of herb for fun. However, you may need kits and some skills to roll the joint of your preferred size. The best way to enjoy a blunt is to smoke it in a private place like home. Invite some friends to share the taste of the nice weeds you have.


A joint is the most common way of smoking the flavors of the grass you prefer. You can purchase the ingredients such as rolling papers, a grinder, and accessories to make the simple joint. If you are not an expert in making the best joint, look for the rolling kits that contain a set of ready-made papers for the perfect joint and protection container for storing your ingredients. To get the pure taste of the grass, grind the leaves thoroughly and use a specific quantity of flakes as per your preference. Smoking a small joint doesn’t make you high. 

Suppose you want to experience the best way to smoke marijuana; buy a Lock-N-Load hand pipe. This chillum pipe is made of 9mm glass, which makes it good for smoking while traveling.



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