3 Bowl Piece Styles That You Should Consider For Your Smoke Sessions

A bowl piece is a crucial part of the smoking apparatus known as bong. It basically provides the space wherein you can pack the weed post grinding it. There are few bowl pieces present in the market that come equipped with built-in screens, it will take away all the frequent worries of replacing the wire screens. This proves to be an excellent feature for the ones who use bongs on a regular basis. Most of the bowl piece styles come under the affordable price range ($12 to $25). You may also find metalforms bowl for sale that can be easy to clean and highly robust in design. These are sometimes referred to as slide, and they can truly enhance the smoking experience by offering you a variety of designs and styles.

Here are the most widely used bowl piece styles that you should choose from to get the best hit. 

Snapper bowl: It is ideal for the solo smoker, and it is also called a martini bowl in some places, thanks to its shape, which resembles a cocktail glass. It is a compact bowl that works great to enjoy a single large hit at one go. One of the major advantages of using a snapper bowl, or any glass bowl piece  for that matter is that they provide a smooth and clean smoking experience.

Metal bowl: Almost all the snapper bowls are some form of glass, on a contrary, a metal bowl (as you can tell by the name) is made up of strong brass or stainless steel. Here, there is no risk of shattering this part, however, it can get really hot on continuous usage. Be mindful of that while using such bowls. 

Other novelty bowls: There is actually no limit while it comes to finding a bowl piece for a bong that suits your preference. You can find animals shaped pieces, while there are also various other abstract artistic designs for both use as well as display. These are priced from $40 and the price can go up to thousands of dollars.

Consider this blog post and choose the right bowl piece style according to your smoking expertise and frequency.


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